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Lava Fields
40 ml Dublin Liberties Murder Lane Irish Whiskey
20ml Tokaji Wine Infused with Tarragon, Pineapple Weed & Geranium
10ml Yellow Chartreuse Liqueur
20ml Dolin Dry Vermouth
Sprigs of Tarragon
Sprigs of Pineapple Weed
Sprigs of Geranium
Activated Charcoal
  • Create a rapid Tokaji Dessert Wine infusion by blending the wine and fresh herbs together for 2 full minutes. Then, strain the mixture and keep it cool.
  • Prepare the wooden box with charcoals.
  • Add all ingredients to the mixing glass and strain until chilled and balanced.
  • Strain the mixture over new ice in the cocktail glass and garnish with the fresh herbs.
  • Before serving, heat the coals and grate some activated charcoal on top of the cocktail using a micro-plane grater.
Serves Selection
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