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Sanctuary's Treasure
45ml Dublin Liberties Keeper’s Coin Irish Whiskey
15ml Kina l’Avignon d’Or
15ml Suze
2 Dashes Bitter Truth Peach Bitters
1 Pinch of Black Hawaiian Salt
Hazelnut Oil Aroma
Caramel Fudge with Black Hawaiian Salt
  • Set the glass in the center of the wooden coaster and arrange caramel blocks around it. Sprinkle black salt over the caramel.
  • In a mixing glass, combine all cocktail ingredients except for the aroma. Stir until thoroughly chilled.
  • Strain the mixture into the prepared glass.
  • For garnish, use a flavour gun to create an aromatic hazelnut bubble. Place the tip of the gun into the bubble liquid, fill it with aroma, then gently drop the bubble on top of the drink.
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